Getting Your Mail
A little advance warning—this is not going to be the most entertaining blog post that you will read here. However, if you are living abroad or planning to do so, you will probably need to consider how to get your mail forwarded to your new country. We have tried several approaches to this problem, including asking a friend or relative to collect our mail and forward it, hiring an agent to do the same, and getting a mail box at a private mailbox agency (such as Mailbox Etc.).
Having been less than successful with the strategies above, we have opted for a contract with an agency that provides us with a US address, scans the address labels on all incoming envelopes and packages, and puts the scans online in our personal account so that we can view them and decide what to do. The agency will forward mail to our list of addresses (including our US bank) anywhere in the world, scan the contents of letters and put the images up online, throw the mail away, or simply hold it. As I said in a previous post [LINK], the agency we have employed is called US Global Mail, and we are quite happy with their services. There are many agencies to choose from and I provide a list below. However, US Global Mail is the only one I have experience with, so the following hotlinks are not recommendations but information for your own “due diligence.”
Having said that, here is my non-exhaustive list. I have included only agencies in the US and England, but you can Google for other countries.